l 通过体验式教学、敏感性训练、技巧性训练、情境模拟甚至戏剧表达训练,厘清导致冲突产生的众多线索,针对其中的文化线索做出改善方案;
l 培养团队的多元思维能力、文化敏感度、文化解释能力,及文化宽容度;
l 针对中籍同事在国际职场上因文化特征而带来的沟通技能短板,做重点培训。
l 工具:
1. 目标国家的国民特性图
2. 文化性格四大维度对比轴
3. 文化性格测评表
4. 个人/团队文化罗盘
l 方法:
1. 诊断:观察、判断冲突中哪些要素与文化相关,哪些要素与文化无关
2. 切换:切换到TA的文化性格,用TA的语言沟通,传递自己的价值
3. 检验:评估双方是否理性、感性达成了一致
版块一 跨文化意识 9:00-9:30 | 认识跨文化冲突的根源 l “我的世界”和“你的世界”版本不同 只有由感官经验塑造出来的世界,没有绝对真实的世界
l 关于跨文化的三个深度思考: 1. 在“人都是一样的”和“每个人都不一样”这两句话中,文化的位置在哪里? 2. 如果被文化偏见了,怎么办? 3. 用“文化”对人群做分类,这种做法对吗?
了解世界十大文化群体的基本特征 根据本公司的目标人群做有重点的学习 学习本公司目标国家的国民特性: 五大文化身份支柱(BRAVE):Belief信仰, Ritual仪式, Allegiance忠诚, Value价值观, Emotionally meaningful experience情感上有意义的体验
| 学习文化的四大维度 l 行为指南:特殊主义 vs. 普遍主义 l 沟通方式:泛指沟通 vs. 特指沟通 l 时间观念:多向时间 vs. 单向时间 l 自我意识:集体主义 vs. 个人主义
版块二 跨文化工具 10:00-10:15
版块三 跨文化方法 10:30-11:00
版块四 案例分析 11:00-12:00
第一天结课演练 14:15-16:30
第二天结课演练 13:30-14:30
16:00-16:30 | 测评工具 l 完成测评问卷,绘制自己的文化罗盘 l 共同绘制团队的文化罗盘 l 比较两个罗盘,制定行动方案
三步骤打造跨文化沟通策略 第一步:诊断 l 先把文化作为变量来解释冲突,接着再寻找别的原因 l 在分析焦点事件的文化背景时,按照四个维度的顺序 l 有的事件是单维度,有的事件是多维度 l 不要跳过“文化”直接对“人”作武断的结论 第二步:切换 l 切换成TA的文化性格,说TA的语言 l 切换不是指背叛自己,而是指用TA的语言传递我的价值 第三步:检验 l 客观上:检查双方是否理性、感性均达成一致 l 主观上:检查在此事件中是否提升了自己的文化自信
用三步骤法讨论案例(以下是常见的几大类案例,可以根据本公司的具体案例做调整) l 在线下会议、邮件、视频会议中,如何做到绝对坦率且绝对礼貌?(第一、二维度) 工具:三个切换+三条修辞 l 如何处理工作中“遵守规则”和“讲灵活度”这一对矛盾?(第一维度) l 如何利用人类行为背后的三大动机(对更好状态的愿景、对现状的不满、能达到更好状态的信念)有效说服和影响对方?(第一维度)
l 如何利用中国文化的优势元素在国际职场上赢回信任?(第一、二、三、四维度) l 如何让多向时间文化性格的同事与单向时间文化性格的同事调整成一致的步调?(第三维度) l 如何借鉴单向时间文化性格的“以未来为导向”,为自己的职场价值加码?(第三维度) l 如何缓解“去中心化”的文化趋势与“中心化”的组织架构之间的矛盾?如何利用个人主义文化中“选择”的力量,去促进合作?(第四维度)
克服学以致用时的心理障碍: l 切换文化性格时,容易产生自我背叛的消极情绪 l 不强迫自己完全进入“异文化舒适区” l 不隐藏在自己的“本文化舒适区” l 准确定位到“本文化舒适区”和“异文化舒适区”的交集——“最佳表现区” l 逐步扩大“最佳表现区”,这样的跨文化性格切换才是自然而持久的
“中国”这张牌在跨国企业中的打法 l 全局思维 l 执行力+迅速拥抱创新的人群
仿真体验:(可以根据本公司的真实案例改编) l 提高文化敏感性(沙盘):Eli国记者怎样说服Hua国的两位女性高官,答应其参加Hua国的神秘花园节,并做现场报道? l 切换文化性格(案例分析):加拿大坎沃尔公司为何最终没能谈成和中国某家壁纸厂的合作?
Q & A
Cross-CulturalCommunication——From Local Talent to Global Elite
l Eliminatethe alienating feelings between Chinese and foreign colleagues
l Explainthe causes of a conflict from different perspectives, and propose the strategyto solve the conflict from cultural perspective
l Improvethe team’s cultural sensibility and tolerance
l Overcomethe Chinese colleagues’ weakness in communication skills caused by ConfucianAsia cultural background
Whentalking about cross-cultural communication, you might instantly think of habit,taboo, or custom. Please note that these elements are the least important, forthe simple fact that you will be easily forgiven if you make mistakes.Nevertheless, if you and the other person do not match in ‘thinking mode’, thenthe tension starts to grow and you may not even notice. You need to know thefour-dimensional cultural differences: behavior criteria, communication style,concept of time, and self-awareness. You also need to understand the positionsof the world’s ten cultural clusters in the four dimensions.
You might also haveencountered these issues: when the headquarters’ policy conflicts with theflexibility of local conditions; you need to get things done while keepingheadquarters happy; After you put forward your objection straightforwardly,your foreign colleagues did not accept it, which led to confrontation in thefuture cooperation; You need foreign colleagues to "hurry up" whilethey complain you're pushing too much; You're torn between "the boss hasthe last word" and "everyone has a say."
l Tools:
1. Target country’s national personalitypicture
2. Four dimensions of culturalpersonality
3. Cultural personalityassessment
4. Personal/Group culturalcompass
l Methods:
Three steps to solve cultural conflicts——Diagnose, Switch, Assess
1. Diagnose:Observe and determine whichparts of the conflicts are culture related and which are not
2. Switch:Switch to his/her culture,speak his/her language,deliver my value
3. Assess:Check if we have reachedagreement both in sense and sensibility
Section I Cross Cultural Awareness | Discover the root of cultural clash l THE world vs. YOUR world l There is no universally right answer, just many subjective truths Three discussions about culture l “Everyone is the same” vs. “Everyone is different” l What if you are being culturally prejudiced? l Is it right to categorize people by “culture”? Learn the features of ten cultural clusters in the world Focus on the target groups based on the company’s needs Learn the "BRAVE" cultural identity of your target country: Belief, Ritual, Allegiance, Value, Emotionally meaningful experience |
Analyze culture in four dimensions: l Particularism vs. Universalism l Diffused vs. Specific l Polychronic Time vs. Monochronic Time l Collectivism vs. Individualism | |
Section II Cross Cultural Tools
Section III: Cross Cultural Methods
Section IV: Cultural Practice
| Know yourself and your team l Complete the assessment questions and draw your cultural personality compass l Compare your compass to your team member’s: if there are ten points of difference on a certain scale, it is of high probability that you two would have conflicts in that dimension l Draw the team’s cultural personality compass together
Three steps to solve cross cultural conflicts Step One:Diagnose l When analyzing the cause of the conflicts, first refer to culture and then other elements l Check four dimensions in sequence l Check if there are more than one dimension causing that conflicts l Never jump “culture” and judge the “person” too quickly Step Two: Switch l Switch to his/her cultural personal, speak his/her language l Don’t put on unwilling performance when switching Step Three:Assess l Check if we have reached agreement l Check if I have boosted my cultural confidence Case discussions: (These are typical cases. They are adjustable based on the company’s needs) l How do you get global teams to disagree agreeably? (the 1st and 2nd dimensions) Tools: 3 switches+3euphemisms l What if the company policy does not fit local situation? (the 1st dimension) l How to use three motivations behind human’s behavior to persuade and influence others--a vision of a better state, dissatisfaction with the present state of affairs, belief that we can reach that better state? (the 1st dimension) l How do you win back trust using Chinese cultural strengths? (the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th dimensions) l What are the strategies for multicultural collaboration between polychronic time and monochronic time people? (the 3rd dimension) l How do you learn from "future-oriented" monochronic cultural personality to add weight to your career value? (the 3rd dimension) l What are the steps to get the input you need without compromising the authority of your position in collectivism culture? (the 4th dimension) l What are the steps to keep a handle on what is being accomplished in individual culture? (the 4th dimension)
Overcome the feeling of self-betrayal when switching cultural personality: l Identify Three cultural experience zones in your heart l Don’t force yourself into a complete “zone of appropriateness” l Don’t hide in “comfort zone” l Develop an overlapping area of “zone of optimal performance” between “zone of appropriateness” and “comfort zone” l Expand the “zone of optimal performance” thus making the cultural personality switch natural and long-lasting Simulation Experience (Adjustable based on the company’s needs) l Increase cultural sensitivity (sand board activity): How do the journalists from Country Eli convince the two high officials from Country Hua to visit their annual mysterious garden festival? l Manage cross cultural conflicts (role play): When the Indian potential client offended your American partner, how do you work out a win-win-win solution? How do you convey your strategies to them respectively? l Switch cultural personality (case analysis): Why did Canadian Canwall company fail in building business partnership with the Chinese wallpaper factory? |
戴愫 培训师、咨询师、作家
在跨文化实践中,她发现以中国为代表的孔儒文化人群擅长熟人社会的社交,但在当今的陌生人社会里,存在技能短板——不善于和陌生人做small talk。于是她打造了一系列线上、线下课程,教授如何在第一时间,用第一印象,甚至是第一句话,在陌生人面前释放善意,并吸引住TA。
曾负责美国劳工部下的5000名中国护士的跨文化储备,曾任美国Job Corps(劳工大军)跨文化合作伙伴,美国Astar教育集团课程总监,美国Sueltalo El Show电台跨文化谈话节目合作嘉宾。在新加坡期间,她担任新加坡SP Jain商学院的东亚地区首席代表,负责中国大陆、香港、台湾和韩国四地的市场推广工作。